
HTTP Request

GET https://weeb-api.vercel.app/quotly?pfp=https://telegra.ph/file/e991bb4b535a0f1425aa0.jpg&username=Texas&text=Hello_World

Query Parameters

Parameter Required type Description
pfp true string profile pic url
username true string your username
text true string your text message

Response Buffer

The response Buffer would be like this: Buffer.png


HTTP Request

GET https://weeb-api.vercel.app/stickerly?url=https://sticker.ly/s/8QURB5

Query Parameters

Parameter Required type Description
url true string stickerly pack url

The response schema would be like this:

   "title":"Xiao Li Zi",


HTTP Request

GET https://weeb-api.vercel.app/telesticker?url=https://t.me/addstickers/Capoo_Video2

Query Parameters

Parameter Required type Description
url true string telegram sticker pack url

The response schema would be like this:

   "title":"咖波 視像② @Capoo_Stickers",